
It became my norm to have a pencil and a notepad on the side table near my bed.
Previous experiences of recalling a dream by the time my feet touches the floor was frustrating. And sometimes, I knew, I had really good dreams, with colors and sound.
By force of habit, it became easy for me to reach out and write, half asleep, with one eye open, not minding writing straight or not. As long as I know, I'm jotting down as much as I can remember, then doze back to sleep.
Funny thing, sometimes, even when I'm almost into my awake state, I'd try to go back to sleep to catch up on a dream that got abruptly cut. 
Here's one of the dream I had, honestly, in bits and pieces, not the exact dream.
I scribbled a mess.
But I did note some of the things that sorta stuck real good in my mind.
Since I can't connect all the pieces of the puzzle, I'm gonna write them in verses, like a rhyme, just to get the story through


Across the lawn before the fence stood a tree.
Not as high as the next pole by street that I see;
One morning when I went out on the porch for a cup of tea,
Aghast it startled me, it spoke in a husky-gruff tone, 
"Hello there, I am Simon the tree."

I fell to my chair, unmindful not to or spill the jasmine in my cup,
My jaw dropped open and my eyes felt like they would pop;
Lest my tongue would roll back to my throat,
Words failed me in that moment, I was caught.

"He-hello there, Simon the tree", I said,
"Wh-what are you, are you real or just in my head?" 
The tree, Simon, laughed funnily shaking the branches
  and raining leaves like it was Fall,
"I am a tree, can you not see? Not to shabby I'd say, nor big or small."
"I'm here to keep you company when you need a shade,
 or just be your friend, now how's that for a trade?"

I smiled to agree yet remained riveted to my chair.
Simon said, 
"When you have doubts about yourself, never let them rule what is in your heart or drown you in despair."
"Life is about experiences and experiencing, so just like a story, 
  write them down, learn from it and put them on a shelf."
How would a tree know what I was feeling?
Simply put, a talking piece of wood, deeply rooted, with lush green leaves, and a sense of wisdom.
By context, dreaming of a tree symbolize new hopes, growth, desires, knowledge, and life.**
Yes, dreams are often the creation of our sub-conscious mind.
A collaboration of memories, events, desire, frustrations etc.,
And all these factors can influence the content of one's fantasm.

Sigmund Freud* suggested that the content of dreams is related to wish fulfillment.
So it may perhaps lead me to understand, I may be delaying one, or two.
A sad present realization of something undone, but enough to fire up an enlightening start.

*Sigmund Freud - Austrian Neurologist, founding father of psychoanalysis.
**Dream dictionary http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary/t4.htm

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