A Book of Me

In the quiet halls of my mind, just past the corner room where Thought sat quietly looking out the windows of my eyes, curiously caught my silence and asked.
"..you seem sad, are you lonely again?"
I replied a resounding "..yes I am, my friend."
Thought smiled at me.
"..why do you keep such premise at hand? have we not discussed this a million and one already?"
For a few seconds there, Thought made me smirk, and somewhat lines reveal years that this flesh has acquired.
Thought looked at me, staring and said, "..wait here."
Then Thought walked to another vast room. 
Probably looked like a hundred steps from where we sat. 
It didn't take long though, like seconds, something like so.
When Thought came back, she opened a page from a book called "Memories and Happiness".
And in-between them some pages were tagged, with that had cool yellow glowing words printed at the bottom of almost all the pages.
Thought then said, 
"Be mindful that what you should be considering on those pages I have marked for you are the ones that count the most, important, happy moments and things you should be grateful of in your life."
With that, she handed me another book, even heavier than the first.
Its pages kept moving and disappearing so quickly that I had to pay attention to what was written into it.
With each page, it would breathe in a glowing soft blue color, "saved."
I asked.
"How come this smaller book is heavier than the first one you gave me?"
"I  think I have more of my life in the other one." 
"And why do I feel worried about it?" I added further.
With that, Thought said,
"Just read this, and try to remember, go on, don't be scared."
"..O-okay," I replied in a whisper like manner.
I read.
And read.
I flipped some more pages.
Then Heart passed by as well to say hello. She smiled and gave that gesture reminding me that what matters most is to be happy and keep the faith. It made me feel a bit better though I can't explain why.
Understanding was just behind her.
"Hey there, 'ol chap 'ol buddy! Doing a little remembering are we?" he said.
"Ahm yeah, I guess so," I said.
Thought was delighted to have Understanding around.
I asked Thought what the other small book was for.
Thought kept silent and turned to Understanding.
"Why not stay a while and keep him company, unless you have anything important today, do you?" Thought doubtingly asked Understanding, looking him straight in the eye as he crossed his arms on his chest.
"Of course not! I am always available, any second should you prefer."
"And, that also depends on the boy, if he accepts." keeping his chin high while glancing.
"It's as easy as snapping your fingers or blinking - and I can be more than just accompany you two, if you know what I mean!" Understanding smiled then burst that confident laugh.
"Very well, very well,  that would delight us even more, thank you." Thought replied.
I sat there, ignored the two who were discussing in whispers and read and tried to compose myself.
Then I smiled.
Thought noticed that smile on my face being brighter than when she first came about.
"Now that's better." 
Then she went on, "You should always keep it that way."
I asked again why she didn't answer my question about the second book she handed me.
Thought smiled and answered.
"..You are not paying attention again."
"..I will just be here by the window, and I will leave Understanding with you for a moment. He would not need to say anything but as long as he is there and you mind him, I am confident things will be better, I guarantee you." 
"Now read on." she ushered.
"When you are done, just place the books on the Table Of Present."
Agreeing, I read again.
And again.
Understanding was just across me and holding a thumbs-up.
He winked at me once and it brought another smile to my face.
When I was done on the pages Thought asked of me, I left the book of "Memories and Happiness" open and placed them on the table.
When I picked up the other small book, lifting each page with ease, and read from a clipped page up to where the pages became blank.
I found them too familiar and while I was reading, it still continued glowing "saved" at the bottom of the page.
And kept filling itself with words and pictures.
It wasn't as difficult to comprehend unlike the latter.
After awhile, I closed it and placed it on top of the other.
Then I noticed, this time it radiated a glow that breathed in soft white. It was comforting to hold despite its weight.
It was heavy but it wasn't, which I couldn't really figure out.
It did not say about its title too.
And then, In between the glow caught my attention, it revealed its name.
"Only Now Matters".
I smiled again.
I understood what it meant.
I felt better now.
Across the room stood Thought by the window and then she looked at me smiling.
She walked closer, put her hand over my shoulder and said,
"I know how it is, and you should know the answer by now."
I nodded.
And smiled back to Understanding, who was leaning back on his chair, hands behind his head, both his feet crossed that sat on the table.
"Let's call it a day for now." Thought said.
Understanding suddenly sprang from his unmindful relaxed lean and said,
"I don't call any day a day, I may have a lot in my itinerary but I manage quite well, if I may say -  so you, good madam, can go ahead, I'll stay with the boy," he confidently replied.
"That is of course, again, depends on the lad."
"I-it's perfectly alright, Understanding. Please stay, I permit it." I said.

Thought's kind laughter floated and said,"Very well, be it as you please then, I think I would appreciate it even more that you stay."
"Be reasonable, Understanding, I urge it." he says.
"Anyway, Dreams will be here shortly within the next hour or so. Try not to get too drifted from his stories, okay?" as Thought walked farther, his voice fainter but echoed thru the hall as he moved along.
"Though I doubt it. You know Dreams, he always comes up with the craziest stories, every single time," he added further.
Understanding and I looked at each other with some confusion, our brows meeting in the middle, then burst out laughing.
"Don't mind Thought. Sometimes she thinks too much." Understanding waving his hand in the air, brushing off Thought's last comment.
I let out an amused smile.
A few moments after, Heart passed by again. She winked and smiled.
What is it with all these winking, blinking and smiling?
Her face was so calming to look at.
She had the most dazzling captivating smile I have ever seen.
Her eyes of forget-me-not bright ocean blue.
From a few steps, she greeted,
Me and Understanding both replied spontaneously,
She approached closer, leaned to me and whispered.
"A few words you might want to consider. But I will admit, my few is lengthy." she teases.
She sat by the armrest of my chair and had her arm on my shoulders, looking towards the window she said, you know,
"Life may be difficult at times, but you need to remember also, it is a gift."
"When you make others happy, you will be happy as well."
"Be kind, gentle and honest."
"Learn patience."
"Be ambitious but find contentment."
"It is difficult to forgive those who have done us wrong but try. It is better than hate or anger."
"Lastly, respect others and you will find more respect in return."
Finally, she kissed me lightly on the cheek after a warm comforting embrace and winked, again.

I looked at her, my eyes almost filled with tears,
"Thank you, Heart. Thank you."

"I'm always here, and will always listen to you," she added.

I agreed with the most wonderful smile and Heart liked it - seeing me happy again.
Life is indeed a gift, and we should make the most out of it.

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