When You Happened

There have been many days when I would sit in my room and think about you.
Minutes become an hour.
Something I keep myself occupied with besides writing full time, while I wait.
I feel like a child wanting attention.
I felt as if I taught myself to be dependent on you.
Dependent on your attention.
Your funny and interesting stories.
Warm touches.
Cheek kisses.
Your beautiful face.
Bright wonderful smile.
The way you laugh.
Or how you bring your eyes together, teasing me about how I adore you.
When at the day's end, listening to your voice until you fall asleep, completes mine.
And a lot more silly and witty things you come up with.

Then I am abruptly whisked from my unmindful state by a call for meals or a chore
  that needs to be done.
I get lost in the moment just by the simple idea that you're in my mind.
At times, I would listen to that one song you wrote and sang.
I have it on my short list.
I know it's not mine.
But I love the tune.
I don't know if I could write a song as you could.
Maybe somewhere along the road I might.
And I'll make sure it will be a happy one too.
Then there are times, I would read our past conversations.
How it all started.
How each day brought me closer to you.
How you took away the pain I unwillingly had.
Turned my loneliness to joy.
Encouraged me to believe in myself more.
Saw past my flaws.
Found me amusing for my love of water.
Yet brittle with the cold.
Every chance to see you always felt like the first day.
And how every time we part made me miss you.
I look silly smiling by myself.
But my smiles are real. They are now, so much more than before.

That time when I said you are already part of my system, I meant it.
Still is.
You touched my soul.
Though it may sound too much of a cliche - you fit that space in my heart.
It took awhile for our paths to cross.
I'm glad it did.


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