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Thoughts in a minute or so...

We've all heard the line "when life gives you lemon, make lemon juice".. That being said, I could probably make gallons of it. If I were to rekindle college days, the clearest moment I would always remember was that of when I thought of myself being so independent, I could do everything myself. To the point that I thought I could live on my own, up to a certain time that is. I figured it out, probably for a good year or two. That's how positive I felt..that - yeah I could make it work. I was so blinded by the very fact that I was barely into my second year in college, because I found work. And "love".  So I thought, more specifically for the latter. Looks good. Look at it this way, say, refer to my near sightedness outlook of life as a video game. You kick off your game (character, avatar or race car) well with starter packs or loots, plenty of freebies with achievements, the levels are easy to moderate as you progress, those kind of perks. But when you get ...

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